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Autumn 2023

Class Heroes 2023
We have chosen 7 individuals who we believe reflect our school values of respect, teamwork, happiness, pride, honesty and resilience.
Each class has been assigned a hero and the children will be finding out about them throughout the year. We will explore ways in which our hero has demonstrated our values, their achievements and legacies. Watch this space for updates. 
In Year 5, our hero is Nimal Purja. You can see all of the class heroes on the poster below and our special poster about Nim. 

Year 5 News 15.12.23

The children have had a very busy week this week after completing all their NFER assessment for reading, writing and maths. Everyone worked extremely hard and should be very proud of their achievements.

We had a fabulous time during Career’s Day where Sarah Hepburn very kindly came to visit the children in the ambulance car. Through Sarah, NEAS provided fun and engaging activity booklets for the children along with some paramedic goodies! The children had a wonderful time learning about the life of a paramedic thanks to help from Sarah!

In English, the children have been gathering evidence to use in their persuasive speech against Apartheid. We have focused on events such as the Soweto Uprising to back up our argument. The children are planning out their speech that they will then perform in order to persuade the population of South Africa to abolish Apartheid.

In maths, we have been learning how to convert between different types of measures by multiplying and dividing by one thousand. The children have been applying their knowledge and skills to solve problems related to real life situations.

In history, we have been exploring what life was like in Tudor England. The children produced a brilliant non-chronological report about food and drink in Tudor times.   It was good to see all the children taking pride in their work!  

Well done on another fantastic week Year 5!

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 01.12.23

This week we had a great time viewing the Book Fair that has came to school! The children picked out books that would be of interest to them and spent some quality library time reading new texts of a variety of genres.

In English, we completed and have published our Newspaper reports based on the book ‘The Island’ by Armin Greder. The children have been introduced to a Little People, Big Dreams book about Nelson Mandela. This week we have explored the text and have learnt the meaning of Apartheid and what it must have been like in South Africa for the 46 years during 1948 and 1994.   

In maths, we have been learning how to find the perimeter of 2D shapes. The children are beginning to understand how to find and calculate the length of missing sides; either by using parallel lines or the known perimeter.

In PE, we have been implementing attacking and defending skills in dodgeball such throwing with power and accuracy, blocking and dodging into game situations. We focused on skills such as; throwing with power and accuracy, blocking with a ball and also dodging. In gymnastics, we have been learning new vocabulary such as; counter balance, unison, canon and transition. The children have used the gymnastics apparatus to perform counter balances and are now developing the first part of a sequence.

In history we have started our topic ‘What was Henry VIII like as a ruler?’ The children analysed primary and secondary sources to conclude if Henry was a fair ruler or a tyrant. We also explored his six wives to understand the timeline of events during Henry’s reign as King.

The children performed a drama based on the story ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman.

Check out our QR codes!

Well done on another fantastic week Year 5! Keep up the hard work!

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 27.10.23

Just like that… the first half term of the year is complete! The children have worked extremely hard during their first half term of year 5.

In English, we have reached the end of Kensuke’s Kingdom. The children have used formal writing techniques and modal verbs to write their very own Desert Island Survival Guide! We have also been developing our reading skills throughout the story by completing retrieval, inference, summarising and explaining tasks about the text.

In maths, the children maintain their enjoyment with their CLIC sessions and are using all their determination to beat their previous weekly Beat That score. This week we have progress to fractions; where we have been understanding and exploring equivalent fractions. We now know the difference between unit and non-unit fractions and how to make fractions equivalent when given the denominator.  

In geography, we have concluded our topic ‘What is life like in the Alps?’ The children compared Innsbruck, a ski resort town in Austria, to Northumberland. Using evidence such as, Alnwick Castle & Gardens, Cragside, Kielder Observatory, Holy Island, Bamburgh Castle and Hadrian’s Wall, we decided that Northumberland has much more to offer!

In PE, we have implemented our space awareness, attacking / defending techniques and communication skills into game situations with the attitude to be victorious over the opposing team. We have also been working hard during our circuit training with the hop of improving on our health-related fitness baseline scores, fingers crossed!

Well done on another fantastic week Year 5!

I have been super impressed with all the children this half term; their attitude to learning, their behaviour and their willingness to try their best has collectively made this half term very enjoyable for everyone.

Have a great half term everyone!

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 13.10.23

In English, we explored some of Matt Goodfellow’s famous poems because focusing on our favourite; ‘The First Day’. This poem was directed to one of Matt’s form tutors and explains his struggles in school and how appreciative he is of his former tutor. The children learnt the poem and worked in groups of six to perform the poem. We developed our performance poetry techniques and were speaking with fluency and expression whilst also acting out our stanzas. The children did an amazing job performing their poems!

Most recently we have moved onto our new writing stimulus; Kensuke’s Kingdom! The children are currently planning their non-chronological report where they are using formal language to write a desert island survival guide.

In maths, the children enjoying our CLIC sessions. This week we have reading six-digit numbers (C), practising our eight times tables (L), adding hundredths (I) and using column methods (C). We have been adding and subtracting two four-digit numbers, multiplying three-digits by one-digit and now progressing onto multiplying two-digits by two-digits.

In PE, our Game Sense Invasion unit has involved us developing the awareness to make the best use of space on the playing field and how to create an overload with players to the attacker’s advantage. Our Health-Related Exercise unit has included a flexibility and a strength circuit where the children spend 45 seconds on each circuit (15 in total) before moving onto the next.

Well done on another fantastic week Year 5!

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 29.09.23

In English this week we have finished our first person narrative titled ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. Children were writing from various perspectives; Scissors and Paper. We worked hard to use expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials into our writing, alongside also implementing parenthesis too.

In maths, the children are doing an excellent job with their CLICS and Learn Its each week. We have been practising our times tables learning how to partition numbers using our place value knowledge. We compared and ordered 4-digit numbers before progressing to comparing and ordering numbers up to one million!

Our geography unit for this half term is ‘What is life like in the Alps?’ and we have been exploring the human and physical features within the alps. We identified benefits from living in a mountain range which included access to large areas of land, forests and rivers.

In PE, our two units this half are Game Sense Invasion and Health-Related Exercise. For Game Sense Invasion, we have exploring the importance of effective attacking and defending. The children were learning skills to beat defenders whilst also focusing on how to man-mark players out of a game. For Health-Related Exercise, we completed baselines assessments for cardiovascular, strength and flexibility. This included doing a continuous running test, speed test, sit and reach test and also a squat test.

Well done year 5 on another fantastic week.

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 15.09.23

What a fantastic start to the academic year we have had in our new class. This week we thoroughly enjoyed a live webinar with our favourite author, SF Said! He spoke to us about his life as an author and the importance of reading and writing. He loved reading Varjak Paw last year and he explained how he created this wonderful story.

In English, we recently watched a short animation called Rock, Paper Scissors which is our first writing stimulus in year 5. We made predictions about the short film and have been exploring how each of the three characters are portrayed.

Our class text for this half term’s reading is Kensuke’s Kingdom. The children used clues from the front cover, the blurb and the intriguing map on the first page to predict what might happen to Michael, a young boy who ends up ship-wrecked.

In maths, we have completed our baseline tests for Big Maths and will now be focusing on our place value knowledge for a few weeks. We began with 3-digit numbers and are now exploring numbers up to one million. The children have adapted very well to the high expectations of independent work in year 5. We aim to show resilience in order to complete difficult problem-solving tasks.

Our geography unit for this half term is ‘What is life like in the Alps?’ where we will be starting off by locating the Alps on a world map and then more specifically on a map of Europe. Did you know the Alps are spread across eight countries?

I have been so impressed with the children, their start to year 5 has set the standards very high so long may this continue.

Mr Todd